Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki

PSA - For those who wanted to add their own EZA details for the units, please do so either in your own blog page or the discussion tab. Anyone who put their own EZA ideas in the character pages will be banned immediately, regardless if your revert it or not.


Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki
Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki

Staff bannerv2

Welcome! This is a list of amazing people who help the wiki! Feel free to message any of them, they'll definitely help you. We want to thank all the contributors!


Bureaucrat thumb NegativeSymptom: Has great knowledge of the Japanese version, helps other users
Mazdafreak: Pro-Nuker


Admin thumb ThisUserLikesOreo: Doesn't actually eat oreos
Loekman3: Tier List moderator
Taro2345: Campaign moderator
HowlingWolf83: Learning everyday
HorusDB: Helps with new cards and damage calculations
Matt2905: Awesome helper, infinite knowledge about code

Content Moderators

Content Mod thumb Super Saiyan Kolra: Creates images for the Tier List
RoxasNº13: Adds things that are missing from pages

Courtesy Squad

Courtesy Squad thumb Gilaad: Professional team builder and Squad Leader
Hodon89: Owari Da!!!
Coolconnor995: Texas Lightning, yee-haw
Haf1 X: Just an average Dragon Ball artist
FKay: Godslayer

Special Thanks

Special Thanks thumb ArnoSan: Login rewards
AsfaltaCristi: Addition of HD card artworks
Colrot: Origin arts
Comrade SS: Former admin, adds new information when it comes out
Dokkan Master: Former admin
Dragenser: Former admin/discussion mod, retired and creator of cookies.
Enderverse: Former Content Mod (Retired); Helps quite a lot with pages
GROSJUNG: Former Admin, creator of many thumbs, medals and other important images
HarryTurney: Provide assets and other images for wiki and runs Dokkan Info site
Joshstrong494: Added the older campaigns (global)
Khaesho: Mathematical algorithm genius, progress tracker
Makakou: The first Admin and former Admin
Namekiankai: Former Admin
NMBRHNTR64: Former Courtesy Squad Leader
Nissan101: Uploads most of the wiki assets
Nononyan: He is the person who created this wiki
PixelKnight4866: Former Courtesy Squad member
RenanRoppongiHouse: HD card artworks
SecretSynergy: Former Courtesy Squad member
ShuntsJD: Former Courtesy Squad member
Son19: Disambiguation pages and categories champion
SaiyajinTurles: Former Special Attack Quotes Guy and former Courtesy Squad
Tigrouille: Ex-dictator, ex-Bureaucrats in the wiki (resigned)
TTeglas: Link skill updates
XCpwner1337: SA Animations
Xikhuang: Former Courtesy Squad, grammatical error checker
XYZexal: Former creator of images for the Tier List
Yaronos: Bulk category adding